This is the first installment of Libby's story. She is a very talented writer who has started this story at home. We will add parts of the story to the blog as they are written. Please add a comment for Libby, at the bottom of this post, by clicking on 'comments'.
“My Fairyfriend”
Once on a sunny day I went outside to play when suddenly I looked down at the old Beautiful Oak Tree and saw a flash of golden stars whizz behind the Oak Tree.
I carefully and quietly tip toed through the short green grass. I snuck around the Oak tree and peered round and saw… A FAIRY!!!!
She was brown and she wore a beautiful blue silky gown with soft blue slippers and long, black, silky, curly hair. She had bright red nail polish and cherry red lipgloss. She was very, very beautiful.
Suddenly the fairy turned around and smiled at me in a very soft, gentle voice. She said, ‘Hello, pleased to meet you. My name is Rachel.’ My eyes widened. She was just as pretty as my mother and my mother’s name was Rachel!
“How old are you?” Rachel grinned. “I am 32,” she said. My mother is 32 as well, I thought. That is strange. I hadn’t seen my mum for the last few days.
Rachel had great big beautifully patterned, blue wings. I looked at my house and back at Rachel. I saw that her smile had faded into a frown. She looked back at the hills and a tear poured down her cheek.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. She leaned back on the tree. She looked at me. “My family is dying!” she said.
Tune in next time for the next part of the story.